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Monday, April 27, 2009; ( 2:51 PM )
too lazy to continue last post ~_~ too sians. i received a funny e-mail. lols, i myself oso laughing at it. ok ok. ARE YOU SMART? i 4 question right nia U SO SMART, REPLY MY QUESTION LA! Test for smart people! Below are four (4) questions and a bonus question. You have to answer them instantly. You can't take your time, answer all of them immediately. OK? Let's find out just how clever you really are. Ready? GO!!! (scroll down) First Question:You are participating in a race. You overtake the second person. What position are you in? Answer:If you answered that you are first, then you are wrong! If you overtake the second person and you take his place, you are second! Try not to screw up in the next question. To answer the second question, don't take as much time as you took for the first question. Second Question:If you overtake the last person, then you are...? Answer:If you answered that you are second to last, then you are wrong again. Tell me, how can you overtake the LAST Person? You're not very good at this! Are you? Third Question: Very tricky math! Note: This must be done in your head only.Do NOT use paper and pencil or a calculator. Try it. Take 1000 and add 40 to it. Now add another 1000. Now add 30. Add another 1000. Now add 20. Now add another 1000. Now add 10. What is the total? Scroll down for answer. Did you get5000?The correct answer is actually 4100.Don't believe it? Check with your calculator! Today is definitely not your day. Maybe you will get the last question right? Fourth Question: Mary's father has five daughters: 1. Nana, 2. Nene, 3. Nini, 4. Nono.What is the name of the fifth daughter? Answer:Nunu? NO!Of course not.Her name is Mary .Read the question again Okay, now the bonus round: There is a mute person who wants to buy a toothbrush. By imitating the action of brushing one's teeth he successfully expresses himself to the shopkeeper and the purchase is done. Now if there is a blind man who wishes to buy a pair of sunglasses, how should he express himself? He just has to open his mouth and ask, so simple. KEEP THIS GOING TO FRUSTRATE THE SMART PEOPLE IN YOUR LIFE! Saturday, April 25, 2009; ( 10:45 PM )
tkd with sy was fun! (: AIYA, TMR THEN POST LA. BLOODY HELL. happy moments...
Wednesday, April 22, 2009; ( 9:22 PM )
lols. yoyo! today i'm posting agn! lols. dam sian-ed. MATHS gam sians, tahan-ed to try to study. it worked! understand alot more abt the toa cah soh LOl. then i kana kick out of table tennis, fuck! cca and during sch diff ma! hw can like this. nvm sua. MOTHER TONGUE test lor. RECESS talk and laughed with beng yang and chun wei haha. then michelle wan cut que I GIVE HER CUT, DIE DIE OSO DOWAN GIVE HAFIZAH CUT! LOL. den we all argue almost whole canteen look at us. dam pai seh >.< D&T almost done with my soldering. just 2 more points oni lor! CME & FT got back my IC! OMG OMG OMG, they go make my pri sch the picture. but its ok la. but i still prefer my sec 1! hahahah, double chin rox! aft sch sian lor, tio bag check, funny thing is kc the bag got underwear LOL dam funny. Saturday, April 18, 2009; ( 4:23 PM )
bryan lim xin fu! yap chun wei and beng yang got blog le! LOL go to my links to visit, but must oso visit and tag me hor :{ posted because of him! hahaha. today is friday! HISTORY i never bring book, i thoguht mr.low going scold me. lols. then I realise jia wei very ke lian, her foolscape pad liek left 3 piece nia, i monday go buy LOl. CHEMISTRY wow, so boring, almost slept. RECESS eat,play,laugh. D&T sian, I DO WRONG SIDE AGAIN! NOW I DO WRONG TWICE LE, NO MOOD DO AGN LAAAAA! ENGLISH pauline fun come check bag, lol, heng my bag no tio, then my the thing donno put till whr, can say is lost la, dam heng. AFT SCH went to mac, went to swing, went to school, went to NAFA. NAFA passed 3 failed 2. jumping de and pull up. very happy! hope i will pass 2.4! TKD sy nvr come, hais, dam sians. den quite boring lor, roslina pei me agn. TY! den we all keep chat chat la. then sparring i own alice lols. then I did a high backhook woo! Sunday, April 12, 2009; ( 11:43 AM )
oo, finally rmb what I wanted to post. My EM teacher. I love him. I'm not gay, I'm straight. Chio bu, please lie down on the floor. Chou bu, ask your mom lie down on the floor. -------------------------------------------- He teaches personnal finance. He oso likes taekwondo. I respect him. But I never show it alot. T_____________________T STUPID ME. 3RD DAY NO COME. I wanted to make him feel proud. That I AM NOT AN EMPTY VESSEL. Sigh, yesterday coach show me the book of ITF. 1. Courteosy 2. Integrity 3. Perseverance 4. Economical Spirit THE 4 TENETS. I guess I all 4 oso never pass. T_T I remember first day, he try to make us laugh, but fail alot, but I still entertain him, then open us up. I remember the second day, we sat with him, had fun, and ate together. I remember the third day, how stupid I was, to not come. He give us de london choco roll like more sweet then our school the stop. He exchange with us the coins like will never ever be stuck. Magic? He taught us like how hard it is to teach a moving hedgehog. Skills? He tried his very best to allow us to use the internet. He allowed us to open music and learn. But how can he teach us when we open music? Remember... when mr.leow tried to motivate us and gave us questions so we can have sweets/chocolates? Remember... How hard it was, for him to teach us before lunch when we are really hungry? Remember... How he smiled when we all were ready for quizzes? Remember... How he last tried to entertain us? I MISS EM. T.T Mr.Leow or Mr.Liao, you rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IF I see you again, you better watch out, coz I will shout Mr.Liao so loud police will send me to woodbridge hospital. Bloodstains on my taekwondo uniform.
Saturday, April 11, 2009; ( 1:53 PM )
tired, later then post, nights. Friday, April 10, 2009; ( 9:33 AM )
yunxin is a baddy. yunxin is a meanie. yunxin is a horrible person. don't take it to heart, but rly, take off that pic and you are an angel! :D ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Finally, Larry is back in action. I'm posting lehs! :D ELECTIVE MODULE AKA PERSONAL FINANCE DAY 1 ---------- wow, kana find by mdm tan and ms tan. both of them very guai lan, I tio detention once in this year. I never go detention once in this year. Pauline fun say 1 week to clear. I tio 1 hour more? Pls la, don't keep cor other teacher settle your own problem can? You don't shit where you eat right? Or Eat where you shit. Sua, gam pek cek, if can hoot teacher i hoot until her mom cry in the hospital. ok, so bus-ed with liang jun, he play pokemon, if he need help, i help him, coz im a good Samaritan as usual. then reach liao, teacher quite good, but dam strict in timing, he is also TAEKWONDO DE LEIS! my idol! 50 years old oso can be de, I oso think my coach is 50+ then break, eat, lesson, have fun, break ,eat, o ya, got once i stand up pose awhile, den infront the class laugh at me LOL dam pai seh cans. LYNN SO KPKB 300% LA!!!!!!!!!!! WTF I SCOLD HER BACK ONCE SHE DULAN LIAO. SHE SCOLD ME HW MANY TIME I SCOLD HER ONCE EACH NIA. I HUAN LO, TMR I CFM SCOLD TWICE --------------- DAY 2 Chun wei teach me his wu gong mi ji to make lynn dulan. Chun wei oso teach me yun xin's favourite nick name. Used oni the 2nd one, surprised, lynn nvr kp me much. Everyone Kp sankerri nia LOL. fun lor, eat KFC, but MAC btr. but costs a BOMB la. Wednesday, April 1, 2009; ( 7:07 PM )
jialat le. jialat le. jialat le. ENGLISH, almost fail. MATHS, what topic are we even studying. PHYSICS, what the hell are you talking about. CHEMISTRY, stfu abt distilation MOTHER TONGUE,不失败不是人 D&T, VERY OUT LE. HISTORY, OK LA. NO FUTURE IN ME LE. 没用的,没用的。 bleah. ASSEMBLY wow, sat at the yellow markings, errr, lol wad? lol, laughed with chun wei. FREE PERIOD! yay! I love it! chatted,slacked, rotted,laughed. MOTHER TONGUE lol,wut, good, I needa get my IC. RECESS very happy. D&T rotted. F&T,CME laughed. WAD? WAD LA? bye. |